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Bangkok: Red Christmas in Modern Times

Bangkok, Thailand may be largely Buddhist-worshippers but the Christmas festivity is not foreign to this “Venice of the East.” Strolling down the streets of Bangkok will entice tourists to shop to their heart’s content as ornately-decorated shopping malls are attuned to the holiday’s idea of dazzling sales and delightful bargain galore! Not to mention the airing of Christmas carols sung by some artists. Everyone in Bangkok is in Christmas spirit so you will forget fleetingly that it is probably quite warm outside and that you're in a predominately Buddhist country! But then, those minor details won’t seem to matter anymore once December spins around. Being a Buddhist country, one can undergo temple-hopping and enrich yourself about the beliefs and customs of the Thai people while feasting your eyes with the amazing sculptures and architectural wonders of each temples. Go on a canal trip and sail through their serpentine canals of Khlong... Continue reading