
Parco di Galceti, Via di Galceti 64

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Info & Description

The youth hostel of Prato is situated in the beautiful 'Villa Fiorelli' surrounded by a suggestive park. Its position allows not only to visit one of the often unknown areas of Tuscany-North of Florence, only a few kilometers away- but allows you also to discover the city of Prato, third city for dimensions of the region and uncontested keypoint of the texile industry since the Middle Ages. Its historical centre with the ancient boundary wall is full of surpraises; the Castle of the Emperor of XIIIth century, the church of Santa Maria delle Carceri di Giuliano Sangallo, the Municipal Gallery, Datini Palace (XIVth century); the Cathedral with 'terrecotte' of Andrea della Robbia, works of Donatello, Michelozzo and Filippo Lippi.

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