
Via Indipendenza 31/35

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Info & Description

The youth hostel is situated in the historical center of Lanusei which, nestling on a hillside, dominates the gulf of Arbatax which is all but 20 kms away. Just a few killometres from the hostel it is possible to visit places of historical and naturalistic interest such as the Park situated in Selene with the ancient Ilex woodland and the archaeological site of the nuraghi era. A little further along the Armidda Mountain, there is an Astronomic Observatory open to the public and also one of the basins of the Lake Flumendosa with the Caves sul Marmuri di Ulassai, which are amongst the most important and imposing of Europe. The youth hostel structure can entertain organised groups and individuals whilst providing recreational activities and open air suppers on its ample porch.

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