
Via San Sebastiano 18

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Info & Description

Cetona is situated at the foot of Mount Cetona, enjoying an ancient history dating back to Medieval Times which has left suggestive and interesting traces in its urban planning. Climbing up the tiny spiralling streets from Garibaldi Square (Piazza Garibaldi) towards La Rocca, spaces open up at regular intervals from which Mount Cetona, already inhabitated since Paleolithic population down to the Bronze Age. We can also view the beautiful hills covered in olive groves, vineyards and cypresses, the profile of the turreted Città della Pieve against the back ground of the Appennine Mountains, scenes all so typical of Tuscany. Cetona is halfway between Florence and Rome, close to the Autostrada del Sole (the Highway of the Sun) and the rail-way station of Chiusi therefore Siena, Montepulciano, Pienza, Perugia, Assisi, Orvieto and meny other places of great historical and artistic interest can be easily reached in little time by car or public transport.

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