• Finland:

    Finland spends its Christmas and New Year in a unique way. During the Christmas Season, houses are cleaned very well to welcome Christmas.
    Hours are spent by the people in cooking and baking special treats for the Christmas festivities. During December 13, the Finnish celebrate the day of Saint Lucia with lots of lighted candles. Many Finnish families also visit the cemeteries to remember the dead and have porridge with the family.
    A great place to visit during Christmas is the Lapland. The place is believed to be the real place where the true Santa Claus lives. You can visit Santa in Lapland and sit on his lap while his assistants give you traditional biscuits. You can also spend your Christmas at the Kakslautten which specializes in celebrating a traditional Finnish Christmas. The place has a magical family atmosphere that is great for both the young and old.
    Compared to the Finnish Christmas which is traditionally spent quietly with the family, the New Year in Finland is a more boisterous event. Essential parts of the New Year in Finland are the numerous fireworks displayed throughout the country. While waiting for midnight, many people spend time celebrating with their family and friends in different restaurants and nightclubs. Some people on the other hand spend more time in formal gala dinners, concerts and balls during the New Year?s Eve.
    The main event of the Finnish New Year celebration is held at Helsinki which is the capital of Finland. Here, the people gather in one of the central squares of the city to attend the national New Year?s Eve ceremony. At times, the Senate Square event culminates the fireworks display arranged by people. One main tradition practiced during the New Year is the casting of tin which is a traditional symbol of good luck. The shape and shadow of the resulting cast are examined and interpreted to predict various events that to come for the New Year.
    The unique way the Finnish spend the Christmas and New Year will surely leave you breathless and amazed.

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