Pb 64, N-5591 EtnePrice rates
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Info & Description
Fugl Fønix Hotel, Café and Gallery is a cultural oasis located in surroundings of natural beauty by the village of Etne in the innermost part of Haugalandet. The hotel is open all year and is run somewhat unconventionally compared to other hotels. The hotel, café and gallery specialise in conferences, courses and displays related to art and art exhibitions. In addition, we offer a diverse range of activities including guided hiking and fishing trips. Evening entertainment consists of Stand Up shows, theatre, concerts and club gigs with urban music. Lastly, much attention has been given to exciting culinary concepts which has resulted in a tasty à la carte menu.Facilities
- Internet access
- Internet access
- Security boxes / Lockers
- Security boxes / Lockers
- Security boxes / Lockers
- Laundry
- Bar
- Heating
- Beach
- Parking lot
- Restaurant
- Lift / elevator
- Rent a bike
- Bike Rental
- 2 bed/s private shared Watercloset (bathroom)